Approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, Government of India.
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute by Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL) |
Introduction |
We introduce ourselves as a premier Maritime Training Academy at Mumbai, approved by the Director General Of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India and ISO 9002 compliant. We have been involved in training marine personnel from 1993 in various safety courses mandatory under the International Maritime Organisation regulations.
“Marine Training Academy” was started by their Director, DR. S.G. KOLI in April 1993 at Goregaon in Mumbai, under the name of “Marine Medical Academy” to impart training in First Aid at Sea to seafarers. The name of “MARINE MEDICAL ACADEMY” was changed to “MARINE TRAINING ACADEMY” from 1st January 2003.
To enhance the safety of ships at sea and safety of the sea from pollution, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has given emphasis on maritime training. The sophistication of vessels and associated equipment has led to a greater importance on a well-designed education system and a structured method of knowledge dissemination. Over the years, this has made maritime education a large industry, with an identity quite independent of the shipping industry it caters to.
IMO has set the convention for Standard for Training, Certification and Watch Keeping (STCW 1978 as amended), giving the guidelines for maritime education, to be fulfilled by all the signatories in a stipulated timeframe. This has given the incidental or need based boost to the maritime training industry in India.
Efficient transport by sea is an important mode of International trade, particularly for a country like India with a vast coastline and a rich seagoing heritage. The Indian Merchant Marine comprises of Cargo ships, Container ships, Tankers, Passenger Ships, Bulk Carriers and other types of specialized ships. These ships are operated by the public and private sector shipping companies and manned by trained Masters, Marine Engineers, Navigators and Crew. Besides safe and efficient operation, ocean-going merchant vessels are to be manned by competent seafarers who need to be specially trained. Various International Conventions have adopted resolutions to the effect that seafarers manning the merchant vessels must be fully trained for the challenges that this job at sea requires. Marine Training Academy has been established to achieve these objectives.
Indian Officers and crew are renowned the world over for their professionalism, hard work, perseverance and loyalty. However, due to stiff international competition, industry requirements and stringent international regulations, quality training of the finest order is a must for all seafarers.The Pre-sea Training for Ratings is an integral part of the overall planned and structured training for a Rating forming part of the Navigational or the Engineering watch, and it is only by a regimented and a disciplined training schedule which places adequate emphasis on class room and outdoor activities that a well equipped institute would be able to impart the required training which would assist the rating in achieving the minimum standards of competence as specified in Table A-II / 4 and A III / 4 of the Regulation II / 4 and III / 4 of STCW 1978 as amended the guidelines have been carefully framed to achieve this objective and hence, only those institutes which fulfill these guidelines will be approved to impart pre-sea training for the Ratings.
Being a fully residential course, the trainees are required to stay in the Academy campus for the entire training period of 16 weeks. The course training syllabus is so designed as to impart the following to the trainee:
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An understanding of the duties of a rating on board, the ship’s daily routine and operations on the ship. |
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Practical knowledge of handling ropes, blocks, tackles, rigging and the basics of cargo work and stowage. |
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Basic knowledge of the ship’s compass, steering orders and hints on steering. |
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Basic Engineering knowledge, watch keeping duties and maintenance. |
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Familiarization with tools, equipment and instruments used on board ship. |
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Practical workshop training in basic carpentry, machine shop, electrical shop, diesel maintenance shop and hot work. |
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The principles of survival at sea. The importance and principles of safety, following safe working practices, accident prevention and prevention of pollution of the
sea. |
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Elementary knowledge of the principles of fire fighting. |
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Knowledge of elementary first-aid. |
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The importance of good discipline. |
The main objective of MARINE TRAINING ACADEMY is to impart quality training to sailing seafarers and those aspiring for a career at sea in line with the Directorate General Of Shipping, Govt. of India guidelines and meeting STCW ’95 requirements.
The following D.G.S. approved courses are being conducted at this Academy:
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Elementary First Aid (E.F.A.). |
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Personal Survival Techniques (P.S.T). |
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Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (P.S.S.R). |
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Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting (F.P.F.F.). |
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Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties |
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Oil & Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (O.C.T.C.O.) |
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Medical First Aid |
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Medical Care |
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Pre-Sea G. P. Rating – At Udvada, Gujarat. |
Achievements: |
Since our inception we have trained over 87,000 thousand seafarers in various courses. Starting with only one course in 1993, we have expanded and our currently running with 12 different courses.
Contributing Factors: |
We have been to achieve the above goals due to the contribution from our sincere and dedicated faculty members and staff.
Main Registered Office (Mumbai): |
Marine Training Academy has its main centralized office at Unit no.14, Udyog Bhavan, Goregaon, Mumbai. All the administrative and admission works are carried out from the registered office for both the Mumbai as well as for Udvada training centers. Information & Bookings for various courses is done from this office.
Training Centre at Mumbai (Post-Sea STCW Courses) |
The classrooms are located at Sharma estate, Goregaon(E),Mumbai, about half a kilometer away from the main office. This training centre consists of a faculty room & library, 6 classrooms each with a capacity of accommodating 20 trainees, Canteen, toilets/washrooms, Fire fighting demonstration room with equipments and an open compound space housing the fire fighting mock up. The mock up is a ground plus one structure fabricated as per IMO guidelines to carry out the drills and demonstrations in the fire-fighting course.
Training Centre at Udvada : ( Pre-sea Training Campus ) |
Every classroom is equipped & well ventilated provided with white board, O.H.P. / LCD Projector and screen, Video Cassette player and Television set. Equipments for all the courses are provided as per the DGS / IMO guidelines
Marine Training Academy, UDVADA is located amidst lush and scenic surroundings about 4 kms from the Daman coast and near to Vapi in south Gujarat. The Academy is easily accessible by road/ rail, the nearest main railway station being Udvada & Vapi, with frequent train services on western railway.It is spread on more than 16 acres of NA land in Udvada near the railways station in south Gujarat.
The pre-sea residential courses along with modular courses are conducted in this new premises at Udvada. There are four such buildings/blocks viz., Academic block, Workshop block, Hostel block and the Dinning block are made within the campus. The sizes of rooms in each and every block are meeting with the DGS guideline requirements.
Academic Block: ( Two storied building ) |
Ground Floor: |
Comprises of the Reception and Waiting Area, Total 12 rooms are available on the ground floor, out of which 1 room for the Principal’s office, 1 for Faculties , 1 for Instructors, 1 for Office staff. These rooms are well furnished and provided with four computers, 2 printers, 1 Copier machine, 4 telephones (landline), 2 mobile phones dedicated for office matters. Two spacious and well equipped classrooms (40 trainees each) are provided for the Pre-Sea Training for G.P. Ratings Course. Out of 5 small class rooms of capacity for 20 candidates one is dedicated to PST, EFA, PSSR,FPFF,STSDSD and OCTCO courses. Two separate Toilets with sufficient urinals, washbasins, W.C.s, washrooms are provided.
First Floor: |
Comprises of 11 rooms and 2 toilets. As on the date 1 big size room is dedicated for a Library, 1 room for bridge simulator, 1 room for computer laboratory with 14 stations, and 1 room for Academy Director.
Workshop Block: ( Two storied building ) |
Ground Floor: |
Comprises of big verandah and SIX separate spacious interconnected rooms of size 60 m2 each, fully equipped with various deck & Engine items for workshop practical as laid down in DGS guidelines
First Floor: |
An auditorium is provided on the first floor of size 240 m2.
Hostel Block: ( Three Storied building ) |
A separate hostel block with three storied building is provided for 120 trainees. The hostel rooms are adequate sized and with wash basin, attached toilet & bathroom are provided. 2 beds in a room, each for 1 trainee. Each room accommodates 2 students and has adequate ventilation, lights & curtains, study table with chair and cupboards with lockers provided for the trainees. Two separate rooms on each floor have recreation rooms of size 40 m2, with TV, VCD player, carrom, scrabbles are provided. There is a separate room provided on the ground floor for the medical emergencies with adequate items of first aids. A separate gymnasium room is dedicated on the ground floor for the physical development. On each floor there is a room for the duty warden & officer is provided. block.
Dinning Block: |
A separate dinning block of two storied is provided adjoining to the hostel block, of around 200 m2,comprising of kitchen area of 80 m2 with vitrified tiles till the ceiling level and trainees seating area of 120 m2, well enough to accommodate 100 students at one time. There are adequate windows, fans, exhaust fans, lights and best of the galley equipments are installed. Separate room for the provision storage is given with well ventilation. We serve fresh organic vegetable meals from our own farm.
Recreation: |
Rooms on all floors of institute with T. V. and indoor games like Table Tennis, carom board, chess, scrabble, magazines, news paper and a separate room at ground floor for body workout, etc.
For outdoor recreations institute have a playground for playing volleyball, football, cricket, etc.
Swimming Pool: |
It is located inside the campus with proper safety equipments and trained Life-guards. Spacious clean separate changing and shower rooms for male & female. In turns all the trainees are given swimming classes and taught the rescue lessons.
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